Children Walking in Truth

By J.C. Ryle


Children Walking in Truth

“I rejoiced greatly that I found of your children walking in truth.” 2 John 4

Dear children, would you not like to know whether you are walking in truth yourselves? Would you like to know the marks by which you may find it out? Listen, every one of you, while I try to set these marks before you in order.

1. I tell you then, for one thing, that children who walk in truth, know the truth about SIN.
2. I tell you, for another thing, that children who walk in truth love the true SAVIOR of sinners, and follow Him.
3. I tell you, for a third thing, that children who walk in truth SERVE God with a true heart.
4. I tell you, for a last thing, that children who walk in truth, really try to do things right and true in the sight of God.